

Daxxin AB, Vegagatan 14, Stockholm, Sweden

Box 1890, 116 74 Stockholm, Sweden


+46 10 889 93 10


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 08.00-12.00 CET

Feel free to write to us

You are welcome to contact us via this form if you have any questions or concerns.

    About Daxxin

    Daxxin AB is a Swedish company based in Stockholm that develops, produces, sells and markets modern products for hair care, body care and skin care.

    Daxxin AB is the subsidiary of Allderma AB, a Swedish producer of medical devices and pharmaceuticals for dermatological applications, registered with the national regulatory authority The Swedish Medical Products Agency.

    Daxxin and Allderma hold a number of international patents and copyrights to the Daxxin Psoriasis and other Daxxin products.